Art decoration is flourishing in the Faroes and you’ll now find some form of an artistic monument in the most isolated settlement on the islands. Hans Pauli Olsen is the most prolific sculptor of the Faroe Islands. His figures are hewn of clay and classical in form yet with a contemporary mounting, lending at times a surreal edge to his work. Olsen’s large bronze sculpture, Seal Woman (2014) is mounted on rocks at the water’s edge in Mikladalur, where it stands in rough seas in memory of the eponymous legend. His sculpture (2020) of graphic artist, Elinborg Lützen, in Klaksvík is the first statue of a woman, identifiable by name, anywhere in the Faroes. 

Klaksvík is also the location of several art decorations by Edward Fuglø, notably in the crypt of Christianskirkjan church, where the artist has drawn on a number of Christian motifs linked to Joakim Skovgaard’s large altarpiece in the church.