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Procurement Policy for Visit Faroe Islands

With this procurement policy, we want to make sure, that we as an organisation buy goods and services from sustainable companies and manufacturers. This policy will be revised occasionally as our sustainability profile changes and our corporate social responsibility profile evolves. 

When Visit Faroe Islands is in need of a product or a service, we go through these 5 principles:

1. What do we need?

2. Who are the qualified suppliers for this purchase? 

3. How do the offers stand in regard to the procurement policies 

4. Agreement is made with consent and coherence from both parties 

5. We monitor performance and evaluate on a regular basis, if we continue to purchase from the same supplier

In general, we look at the behaviour of the supplier in relation to the surrounding environment, and the potential consequences of non-recyclable material use, manufacture and production methods, logistics, operations and maintenance.


Questions we ask ourselves when we are to purchase a product or a service:

  1. Is this purchase necessary?
  2. What is this product made of?
  3. How has the product been manufactured?
  4. What resources are used during manufacturing, such as energy and water?
  5. How far has the product travelled?
  6. How is the product packaged?
  7. How should the product be used, how is the durability and the efficiency?
  8. How can they be recycled and disposed of?

Questions we ask ourselves in a more general matter when we purchase a product or service:

Does the supplier:

- have any sustainability labels or sustainability certifications or a policy in place?

- collect used packaging for reuse/recycling?

- have a ‘take-back’ service for repairing or recycling purposes?

Products and services must have a minimum requirement for labour, working conditions and environment and social responsibility. Price, quality and service are also in the assessment parameters. 

Products with labels such as Fairtrade and Rainforest Alliance are preferred. 


Office supplies and household products

  • New bought lights are LED
  • Copy paper, toilet paper and serviettes should be FSC and/or Eco labelled/Nordic Swan Eco Labeled. Products with the EU Flower and the label PEFC are preferred.
  • In addition, we look for packaging that is made from recycled material. E.g., look for the label RESY as an indicator.

Electronics and appliances

  • Before replacing old/defective electronic equipment, we ensure that it is beyond repair
  • Electronic equipment should always be disposed responsibly or delivered to businesses that can reuse components 
  • New-bought electronics and appliances must at least have energy label A or other energy labels with the same standard.


  • Our cleaning service must use 90% eco-labelled cleaning supplies
  • Washcloths are primarily fibre cloths and are used recurrently. Single-use cloths with micro plastics are a no-go.
  • Our cleaning staff are instructed and aware of environmentally friendly cleaning procedures as well as waste sorting practices.
  • Printing suppliers for printed marketing material are compliant with the environmental and social policies and criteria that exist in the industry.


  • We encourage low-impact transportation and aim to be able to buy an electronic bicycle for the staff running errands. 
  • We need to use aviation for long-distance travel because of our geographic location. When abroad we propose low emission transports. However, we are aware, that when abroad, we often have considerable luggage due to events and will need taxis.

Meetings & Events

  • We inform hosts, clients and suppliers of our guidelines for sustainable meetings and events
  • When possible we host the conference/event/meeting at a sustainable/certified venue
  • The venues are accessible to people with reduced functional ability
  • We promote certified green and sustainable hotels to guests and speakers, and we have them on the top of our lists on web pages, in bids, etc.
  • We aim to 100% eliminate single-use products
  • We always serve tab water and we ask delegates to ’bring your own waterbottle’
  • We aim to serve food that is local (50%) and seasonal as well as organic when possible
  • We aim to reduce meat consumption – and take the liberty to serve fish for our delegates instead!

Communicate efforts to reduce food waste and waste in general

  • We are working on ways to donate surplus food
  • We try to use decorations and plants/flowers for multiple events and possibly donate to elderly homes
  • Communicate digitally to reduce paper consumption

We are working on the following:

  1. Producing information about low-impact transportation options for delegates and visitors
  2. Presenting a voluntary carbon offset program
  3. Closed for maintenance as an alternative ’excursion’ for group tours and events, where delegates can ’give back’ to the destination with a few hours of labour