As Visit Faroe Islands (VFI) processes personal data, the following policy has been adopted. The Privacy Policy describes which personal data are collected and what they are used for.

Purpose of the collection of personal data

One of our primary purposes for collecting personal data is to be able to perform and administer our services, either directly by us ourselves or through our cooperating partners, such as to provide ourselves with information about the circumstances of a specific matter, protect the interests of you and your organisation, for reporting and invoicing purposes and also, as regards personal data from our cooperating partners, to administer or perform contractual obligations.

VFI collects and stores the following personal data for the following specific purposes:

  • Users of the website 
  • Newsletter recipients
  • Partners and suppliers
  • Press enquiries
  • Participants in familiarization- and press trips
  • Participants in exhibitions, workshops and partner events
  • Ordering tourism materials

VFI only collects and stores personal data provided it is strictly required for the purposes defined above.

Information on storage of personal data

Any person, whose personal data has been collected and stored by VFI, can upon request be informed on (i) which data has been stored, (ii) how such data has been collected, (iii) to what purpose the data is being used, and (iv) to whom such data has been transmitted (if applicable). The request must be sent to VFI. Please see the contact information at the bottom.

Security of personal data

Personal data is appropriately protected against loss and unauthorized access or publication. Access to the stored data is limited to selected employees of the Company who need to access the data to fulfil the purposes. Employees with access to personal data only have access by means of personal passwords.

Procedure in case of a violation of security

In case of suspected violation of the security for personal data – such as loss of data, the possibility for unauthorized access and so forth – the employee becoming aware of the suspected violation must immediately inform the Head of Digital at VFI designated as the responsible manager. The manager will document and collect all available information regarding the alleged violation. If the existence of a violation is confirmed, the manager shall, together with the relevant employees and/or contracted data processors overseeing the personal data concerned, prepare a written assessment of the consequences of the violation which considers the gravity of the violation, as well as the type of personal data concerned. The written assessment shall be shared with VFI’s board of directors and, if assessed necessary due to the gravity of the incident, with the Faroese Data Protection Authority (in Faroese: Dátueftirlitið) as well as the persons, whose data has been concerned by the violation.

How do we use this data?

Device data:

We use cookies, electronic images and similar track and trace technologies on our website and in our email communications. The data collected are used to protect ourselves from potential external attacks on our website and to improve our website in order to give you a better experience. We also obtain personal data in conjunction with the performance of our services or from you/your organisation in our capacity as a cooperating partner or the like. You personally decide whether you want to provide most of the other personal data beyond this, for example, by registering for our newsletter, by sending email messages to us or through social media activities or if you/your organisation provide data to us in some other way.


For marketing ends, we may use the device data. The intention is to show ads that are relevant and engaging to the user and there also more valuable to publishers.

How do we disclose your data?

We process your personal data with great caution, and your data is only used by us, our cooperating partners, and by selected third parties. 

Third parties that we engage to help us to conduct our business (for example, for customer surveys and mailings) only have permission to use your personal data on our behalf and for the specific tasks they must perform following our instructions, acting as a data processor for us. They are obliged to keep your personal data confidential and secure. If and as stated by statutory you are entitled to get a list of any processors that process your personal data on our behalf.

In order to carry out the above, we share your data with the following external platforms:

- Survey Monkey (to improve our services and gain insight to various customer and partner experiences)

- Google Analytics (to see how you use our website and to improve your experience)

- Facebook tracking pixels (to improve and target our marketing).

Contact and contact forms

If you choose to use our contact form, your data will be stored in our backend database and gathered in an email, which is sent to us subsequently. All data obtained through the website form are processed and evaluated at least once a year, and all inactive data are deleted from our database.

How do we protect your personal data?

All personal data that VFI handles is processed in accordance with the legislation concerning the processing of personal data applicable at any given time. The personal data is stored in operating environments that use security measures to prevent unauthorised access. Reasonable standards for the protection of personal data are complied with. The measures are taken with a view to preventing unpermitted or unlawful processing of the data about you and unintentional loss or destruction of, or damage to, this data. 

If a personal data breach is detected, this will, in the manner prescribed by law, be notified to the Faroese Data Protection Authority and to you when and in the manner prescribed by law.

How long do we keep your personal data?

We will only save your personal data for as long as it is necessary for the purposes prescribed by this Personal Data Policy or for as long as is required by law or contract. Your personal data is thinned out or rendered anonymous when it is no longer relevant for the purposes for which it has been collected or is no longer required according to law or contract.


Data protection

The data protection for this website is:

Visit Faroe Islands
Registration no. (V-tal) 610186
9 Gongin
FO-100 Tórshavn
+298 666555 

Your rights

You are entitled to request information about VFI’s processing of your personal data relating to you. You should clearly state in such a request what information you wish to receive (for example, what categories of specific personal data we process about you and for what purpose). VFI will, at your request or of its own volition, rectify incorrect personal data about you and, when necessary, supplement the same and/or restrict the processing of your data. If you consider that the data about you is incorrect or incomplete, you are entitled to ask for it to be rectified in the manner prescribed by law. We will rectify or update the data about you as quickly as reasonably possible. 

If you wish to gain access to your personal data or to have your data edited or deleted, please send us an email at


In case of any questions, you are welcome to contact us at


We reserve the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time without notice.
If this Privacy Policy is amended, we will release a new version, indicating the release date. We recommend that you visit this website periodically to inform yourself of any updates to our Privacy Policy.

Latest update 01-12-2022