Text by Marta Káradóttir, from the HEIM Magazine, 2023

As the Atlantic Airways plane descends through the clouds shrouding our islands high above Sørvágsfjørður, you’ll see one of the most fantastic sights in the Faroe Islands: the rugged islets of Tindhólmur, Gáshólmur and Dranganir. Next, tune your ears: 'Góðu ferðafólk, vælkomin heim' – those are most likely the first Faroese words you’ve ever heard: “Welcome home everyone!”. And visiting the tiny village of Bøur, barely a stone’s throw from the airport is bound to make you feel straight at home.

Bøur village in the Faroe Islands. By Klara Johannesen


Innovation is alive and well in Bøur. This place is a fine example of how local people live in tune with nature, tradition, and tourism. Enterprise has really developed here over recent years: farm-to-table dinners for tourists, boat tours, locally sourced products, agriculture, and accommodation. Each of these initiatives has helped grow the tourism industry in its unique way, with significant support and collaboration from the village residents. It’s been quite fascinating to understand and recognize how tourism can help shape a village like Bøur.

In discussion with local entrepreneurs, we came to understand the importance of local ownership and support. One of those we spoke to was, Tróndur Niclasen, who embarked on a journey in 2017 with his family to build four small cottages for holiday stays. These cottages are now incredibly popular and often booked a year in advance. Tróndur explains: 'When I initially started this project, there were three conditions: firstly. that the cottages were constructed in a Faroese architectural style in keeping with nature; secondly that ownership stays within the family; and thirdly that all residents in the village give it their blessing.'

"I could build several more cottages, but for me, it goes somewhat against the grain because then I’d lose contact with my guests, and the place would lose its charm – instead, I prefer to offer better quality and maybe introduce more services, such as local knitted sweaters, for example, which could be produced upon order or guests could harvest potatoes or collect eggs from the hen house." 

Tróndur, The View

We also spoke to Jenny Guttesen, who recently established the venue, Fjósið, located on the upper floor of an old barn and which is intended for gatherings, meetings and various events; Helga Nordendal, who has been providing diverse services for several years at the old Pakkhúsið, in Bøur; and the man behind “A View 2 Sea”, Eystein í Løðu, who offers unique boat tours for tourists.

"It is important that local people operate in close collaboration with the environment. This makes the residents more positive. We must also listen to local voices when people are unsatisfied and make adjustments.."

Jenny, Fjósið

The tourism industry is that bit richer when you have these small unique out-of-the-way places like these where travellers can come and enjoy a meal. 

Helga, Pakkhúsið í Bø

The tourism potential looks good, and there’s reason to be positive... there is undoubtedly enough for all, you just have to be creative.

Eystein, Bluegate / A View 2 Sea