Anthem: "Tú alfagra land mítt"
Status: Self-governing region within the Kingdom of Denmark
Language: Faroese. Danish has equal status in all official affairs
Religion: Evangelical Lutheran
Government: Parliamentary democracy
Prime Minister: Aksel V. Johannesen (Social Democratic Party, Javnaðarflokkurin)
Main industries: Fishing and aquaculture, shipping and offshore services, tourism and prospects for petroleum in the Faroese area
Currency: Faroese króna (DKK)
Exchange rate: £1 = 8.55kr, US$1 = 6.89kr, €1 = 7.44kr (May 2023)
International telephone code: +298
Internet TLD: .fo
Time: GMT (winter); GMT+1 (summer)
Electrical voltage: 220V; European two-pin plugs
Weights and measures: Metric
Flag: Red cross fringed with blue on white background
Public holidays: New Year’s Day 1 January, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Sunday, Easter Monday, Flag Day 25 April, Common Prayers’ Day (May), Ascension Day, Whit Sunday, Whit Monday, Ólavsøka 28-29 July, Christmas 24-26 December, New Year’s Eve 31 December