Varðveit Føroyar - Preserve the Faroe Islands

Each stakeholder is interdependent and each of us plays a role together with the guiding principles of this policy. We can make a difference and act as stewards for future generations and preserve the Faroe Islands as the unspoiled islands of today. 

We are responsible for preserving our fragile nature and strengthening our distinctive culture – Visit Faroe Islands, the tourism industry, and you, our guests. 

Tourism is not solely about numbers. It is also about adding non-material value to a society and its people and ensuring that our country continues to develop as an interesting place to live.

The promise of being unspoiled, unexplored, and unbelievable is a challenging future task, which can only be kept when we join forces. 

We aim to align our work to these UN sustainability goals:

Also, we aim to fulfil these targets in the years to come:


  1. In 2030 80% of the population in the Faroe Islands have a positive attitude to tourism and business events. In 2025 the goal is 70%.
  2. In 2030 80% of our hotels have a 3rd party certification. In 2025 the goal is 50%. 
  3. In 2030 100% of our tourism suppliers have written sustainability policies. In 2025 the goal is 70%.

The role of Visit Faroe Islands

Our responsibility is to secure the framework for the industry to be able to operate in an as sustainable manner as possible and advance such business practices of behalf of the industry, we will:

  • Monitor impacts of increased visitor numbers
  • Promote and distribute visitors around the islands
  • Strive to ensure community-based products are in harmony with locals 
  • Facilitate networking opportunities
  • Work with municipalities and government towards a common legislative framework of the destination
  • Inspire and inform our guests of a sustainable visit 

The role of the industry 

We strive to make your stay a memorable one in the Faroe Islands. 

We want to make it easy for you, our guest, to enjoy a holiday in a manner, where you leave with the lowest possible environmental footprint. 

We aim to provide:

  • Sustainable accommodation 
  • Local and/or organic food
  • Sustainable products 
  • Sustainable tour packages, that consider the distribution of visitors to the whole of the Faroe Islands
  • Sustainable services, that include Faroese guides
  • Community-based experiences and local produce wherever possible
  • Limit single-use plastics as much as possible

When in nature, as a principle, we never leave anything behind.

You do not have to think about sustainability, because we have already done so. 

Sustainability is not a trendy word for us. It is the way we live our life in pact and harmony with nature to preserve it for future generations.

We promise, that you will leave with a fond knowledge of the Faroese culture and our way of living.


The role of the guest

We ask you, our guest, to act responsibly and respect our people, nature, and culture. That means you will:

  • Respect private property, especially in small villages and neighbourhoods
  • Leave nothing behind in nature
  • Support small, local businesses

Please leave nothing behind but your footsteps, and please take nothing away except memories and photos. 

By each of us being aware of our role and responsibility, together we can preserve the Faroe Islands.


*Visit Faroe Islands supports and is part of the UN Global Compact, in accordance with Faroese law.


Tórshavn, 22rd April 2024

Guðrið Højgaard, CEO
Visit Faroe Islands