The smallest of the birds
Roaming the windy north
Slipping into village gardens
Resting on tiny branches
Like a winged silken dream
Unimpressive in size and colour
Grey-green back and light-grey base
And yet you are the King of the Birds
Unabashedly attested by white wing bars
And a brightly yellow crest
Crowning your head
Your kingly crown
So well deserved
Awarded to the bird
That flew highest into the sky
Unnoticed on the eagle’s back
Abiding the moment its wings grew weary
Seizing the moment, you leapt
Into the sky and flew even higher
The wisest of all, but cunning, too
When building a nest, you hang
A feather to hide the entrance
Shielding your young from danger
Bold and beautiful
The true King of the Birds