The weather in the Faroe Islands is unpredictable and ever-changing. It is, therefore, a good idea to pack a variety of clothing suited to all sorts of weather (primarily cool-ish).

The essentials to include in your wardrobe for the Faroe Islands are a sweater, a rainproof coat, and sturdy walking shoes. Gloves or mittens are also a good idea. And while at it, why not be a little optimistic and bring sunglasses along? You never know!

Prepare to experience all four seasons in one day


  • Dress in layers (thermals and wool)
  • Good hiking boots
  • A warm jacket. Hat and gloves are recommended
  • Hiking trousers (preferably not jeans)
  • Wind- and waterproofs. Nylon clothing and rainwear are not recommended, as it can be slippery
  • A fully charged phone, food, drink, sweet snack, and a map of the route
  • Gloves or mittens are also a good idea

Those planning camping or hiking for extended periods should bring warm underwear and socks, rubber boots, and a warm sleeping bag.

Before hiking, please read our guide to safe hiking and stay updated about hiking guidelines and rules.

Luke and Nell from What if we walked have written an excellent guide on what to pack for hiking in the Faroe Islands.