April is our favourite! One never knows where the day might take you, perhaps one day to the beach for some dipping in the sun or a misty afternoon on top of a peak enjoying unreal views. Colours are bursting at every corner, tiny fluffy lambs see their first day on the green fields.  

When you pass a local, make eye contact, nod and mutter a semi-silent “dagin” [dæːjin] (Good day)


Wondering what to do in a place like the Faroe Islands in April? What to bring, how to prepare? Well first things first, bring your camera, analogue or digital either way you can be sure you'll capture your next insta post. We promise it will be worth it and recommend you take a look at our list below to get inspired.  

Chase Waterfalls: Embrace the Faroe Islands' abundance of waterfalls by seeking out some lesser-known ones. Don't be afraid to get a little adventurous and explore the ones off the beaten path. Note these names down: Fossá, Svartafossur, Bjarnafossur, Reipsáfossur & Haldarsvík fossur. 
Seafood Safari: April is an excellent time for seafood lovers. Arrange a seafood safari, where you can join local fishermen to catch and prepare your own fresh Faroese seafood.

Dine in a local ‘Heim’ (home): Embrace the warmth of Faroese hospitality with 'Heimablídni'. Enjoy a traditional fish dish or a steaming bowl of Faroese soup while getting a more intimate experience with some Faroese storytelling. 
Island Hopping: April is an excellent time for a bit of island-hopping. Ferries connect to the more remote islands, allowing you to explore the unique charm of each one. From the hiking paradise in Suðuroy to the more remote gems, there's an adventure waiting on every shore. Find ferry schedules here.

Explore by Boat: With longer daylight hours and more pleasant temperatures, April is perfect for exploring by boat. Explore the scenic seaside cliffs and grottos, breathe in the fresh air, and be rewarded with panoramic views of the Atlantic.


  1. Fluffy arrivals: April is the time of ‘Lembing’ where the Islands come alive with the sweet sight of newborn lambs. Across the bright green fields, you'll witness the joyous arrival of these fluffy bundles, marking the beginning of a season filled with maternity joy. So remember to be mindful, careful and show distance when exploring.
  2. Just keep driving: A most strange and remarkable thing about the small islands is that no matter the weather you are bound to find the sun somewhere on the islands! A clever local once said to a visitor. “Just keep driving and you will find the sun” - turns out he was right. You will find live streams at various spots on this site: Faroe Islands Live. 
  3. Raise your flags: April 25th is when we celebrate ‘Merki’ the Faroese Flag. The day, a national holiday, is marked by various events, parades, and a festive atmosphere across the islands.
  4. They see me rollin': Prepare for some quirky easter traditions, where we boil eggs, paint them and roll them down a hill to subsequently catch the broken ones and perhaps even eat them.
  5. Go on tour with a Farmer's Daughter: Take one day out of your schedule to go on a wonderful storytelling tour and 
    stand at the legendary centre of the Faroe Islands with a farmer's daughter.


How is the weather in the Faroe Islands during April? As winter fully retreats, April welcomes milder temperatures ranging from 5 to 10 degrees Celsius (41 to 50 degrees Fahrenheit). It's a delightful mix of sunshine and occasional rain, making it an ideal time to explore. In April the Faroe Islands has 15 hours of daylight with sunrise at 6 AM and sunset at 9 PM. 


Here you'll find a small selection (helpful links) of activities, places, cafés, paths and shops to see when visiting the Faroe Islands during April.