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EagleCentric & Plutonic – Release Concert! (FO)

Concert with EagleCentric & Plutonic at Sirkus!

EagleCentric is nearing the release of its full-length album, “Pushing Envelopes,” which will be released as an LP in 2025.
“Sandonian Comfort” was the 1st single released on April 26th and received A-rotation on Skylab Radio in the UK.
“Apple A Day” was released on May 31st, “Whatcha Gonna Do About It”, an energetic Dancetronica track, was released on June 28th, and “Beautiful Clock” was released on July 26th. All singles were well received.

As a composer, producer, and performer, Arnold does everything himself. In addition to recording, mixing, and mastering, he also filmed and edited all four videos of his singles. EagleCentric is Arnold Ludvig’s electronic music solo project.
He performs primarily using Ableton Live with various MIDI controllers and samples of voices to generate electronically manipulated soundscapes, whistling, bass, guitar playing, and more. The genre is a palette of Electronica, Jazztronica, Dubstep, Ambient, Dancetronica, and experimental.

EagleCentric: Arnold Ludvig (vocals, electronics, guitar, bass)

Plutonic, aka Anna Iachino, presents poetry and lyrics with a rhythmical accompaniment of her music and samples using a midi-mini keyboard through Ableton LIVE. This is Anna’s new electronic project as a singer and electronic composer, returning to her love of moving to music by creating music for the dance floor. On November 30th, 2024, Plutonic released its 1st single, “Where’s The Trauma?” and “Pain” on December 30th to rave reviews.

Anna Iachino (vocals, poems, electronics)


Sirkus Föroyar

Gríms Kambans Gøta 2


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