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Eivør - Release Concert - "ENN"

Standing concert - Supporting Act: Jógvan

Eivør is back with a new release and concert. On June 14th, the new release ‘ENN’ will be available in record stores and digital platforms. The release will be celebrated with a major tour, beginning in the Faroe Islands on the 30th of August.

Supporting Act: Jógvan

The concert will be at the main hall in the Nordic House with no seat arrangement. It will be possible for those with mobility issues to order a seat at the back of the room Klingran by contacting the reception at Nordic House.

Eivør will be joined by her band: Mattias Kapnas, Per Ingvald Højgaard Petersen and Mikael Blak. Eivør will be performing all 8 tracks from her new release, all of which are Faroese, as well as some older well-known songs.

Eivør has written and produced the new album in close collaboration with composer Tróndur Bogason, poet Marjun Syderbø Kjelnæs, and other members of the band.

Eivør describes ‘Enn’ as her most diverse and experimental release. As a combination of a symphonic space opera and a dark, electronic beat world. The first single “Jarðartrá” has been revealed alongside a music video shot in Iceland by Icelandic director Einar Egils.

Tickets: 365 kr.
Youth, 17 years and younger: 265 kr. (limited number of tickets)


Nordic House - Norðurlandahúsið

14 Norðari Ringvegur


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