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Church of Vágur

The church in Vágur was consecrated in 1939, though the cornerstone was already laid in 1927. The church is votive, i.e., people in distress or danger can promise alms to the church in Vágur

The church council in Vágur started discussing building a new and bigger church in 1913 as the population was growing rapidly. In 1926, a proposal by the architect Sofus Johan Hofgaard was accepted, and the architect was asked to make the final drawings for the new church in Vágur. The church was completed thirteen years later.

Vágs kirkja stands out by its New Gothic style. The choir is heptagonal with two small annexes to the north and the south. Four stained-glass windows, arching up into a narrow point, are in the choir. They were made by Ernst Trier in Vallekilde in 1959 and depict the story of Jesus from the annunciation to the resurrection. The four bronze chandeliers in the church are made in a simple baroque style. The congregation gifted them on the occasion of the church’s consecration in 1939.

Vágs kirkja is one of the few churches with a church choir. Several people joined forces to form the church choir Ljómur in 1939. Edith Dahl was its first director, and the choir’s first official performance was at the consecration of the church on 19 February 1939.

The hymn “Nú hvítna tindar…” (“Now peaks are dusted white”) has a special connection to the choir Ljómur. Edith Dahl asked Robert Joensen from Klaksvík to translate the Danish hymn “Nu falmer skoven…” by the prominent and influential churchman N. F. S. Grundtvig.

At a concert on All Saints’ Day in 1942, Ljómur sang “Nú hvítna tindar”, a masterful Faroese paraphrase of the Danish hymn. Since then, this hymn has always been part of the repertoire at the concert in Vágs kirkja on All Saints’ Day.

The altarpiece depicting Jesus addressing the congregation first adorned an older church at Kirkjuklettur in Vágur. It was painted by the artist Th. Wegener sometime between 1840 and 1850. The old altarpiece from 1729, also from the churches at Kirkjuklettur, is also found in the church. The beautiful hexagonal baptismal font is made of Faroese rock and decorated with gold. The baptismal bowl is very old, probably from around 1500.

Ten plaster sculptures of the apostles stand along the wall. The last two, Peter and John, stand above the threshold of the choir.

The church received a beautiful model of the smack Albert Victor from Helena Friis, who lived in Denmark, in the 1950s. It hangs from the ceiling in the nave. In the summer of 1975, the church received a model of the smack City from Sunnuva Egholm of Vestmanna. It is found in the choir of the church.

A sculpture of Dean Jákup Dahl was unveiled on 5 June 1978. The sculptor was Janus Kamban. It stands by the entrance to the church as a memorial to the great man.


Vágsvegur 34



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