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with the main purpose of advancing and inspiring the Faroese film industry

Faroese Film Institute - Filmshúsið - has been established by the Faroese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade with the main purpose of advancing and inspiring the Faroese film industry.

The Board of Faroese Film Institute has three members (2017): Jón Hammer, Marjun Niclasen and Jan Berg Jørgensen (chairman).

Besides servicing and promoting filmmaking in the Faroe Islands, Faroese Film Institute will also serve as a point of contact for film makers from abroad, interested in co-producing or filming in the Faroe Islands.

Faroese Film Institute will formally be responsible for:

- providing advice and guidance for Faroese filmmakers

- marketing the Faroese film industry abroad and the Faroe Islands as film location

- responding to domestic and foreign inquires, as well as assisting film production

- facilitating contact and relations between different actors within the Faroese film environment

- structuring skills development and arranging relevant seminars

- collecting and conveying knowledge about film- and visual narratives

- cooperating with the Faroese film environment and relevant authorities in making sure that professional skills and knowledge are optimally utilised


Vestara Bryggja 15 3th
