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small grove and great mountains

Set against the western banks of Kunoy is the tranquil village, also called Kunoy. The village features tiny streets, whitewashed cottages, and colourful roofs, making it a must-see destination in the northern isles of the Faroe Islands. Across the bay, you can admire the rugged beauty of Kalsoy, with its snow-dusted peaks and vivid green landscapes.

Exploring Kunoy on foot is highly recommended, starting with parking your car and wandering through the charming streets. Don't miss the opportunity to visit Viðarlundin í Kunoy, the forest of Kunoy, which is a surprising feature of the island. Planted in 1914, this small forest offers a stark contrast to the island's dramatic scenery and is a popular spot for both children and adults.

While the Faroe Islands are known for their bare landscapes, Kunoy boasts one of the few wooded areas. In the summer, the forest transforms into a lush oasis of ash, birch, and spruce, with a well-laid path leading to the impressive Eggjarsteinur rock and beyond.

For adventurous hikers, Kunoy offers challenging trails with stunning views, including the Skarðsgjógv gorge leading to the abandoned village of Skarð. However, this hike should only be attempted by experienced hikers with a guide.

To reach Kunoy, you can drive for about 10 minutes from the city of Klaksvík on the island of Borðoy. If you're coming from the capital, Tórshavn, the drive takes approximately 1½ hours. Additionally, Kunoy can be accessed through a passageway carved through the mountain from Haraldssund.


7 Kelduvegur, Kunoy 780, Faroe Islands
