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Úti á Gjógv

  • Image from venue úti á Gjógv, Fiskastykkið
  • Image from venue úti á Gjógv, Fiskastykkið
  • Image from venue úti á Gjógv, Fiskastykkið
  • Image from venue úti á Gjógv, Fiskastykkið
  • Image from venue úti á Gjógv, Fiskastykkið

The warehouse ÚTI Á GJÓGV. A hundred-year-old warehouse that has been freshened up and is the perfect place for meetings, conferences, parties et cetera.

Alongside our remarkable venue facilities, we offer delicious fish and seafood. Whether it's the smell of the ocean or the cooking craft, we don't know – perhaps both – but Faroese fish does taste better here by the shore.

What these rooms and venues have in common is a fusion between old and new, between history and modern technology, between nature and culture. The warehouse is what you make of it – a refuge, a monument, a labyrinth. All this and more will you get when you book one of our rooms or venues


Úti á Bakka 12, 360 Sandavágur
