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Village on Viðoy

About the village
The bird cliffs to the north, the lush, green terrain in the valley, and the excellent opportunities for rowing out to the fishing grounds, have all played their part in making Viðareiði the historical capital of the Northern Islands.
Viðareiði was first mentioned in „Hundabrævið“, which is a letter about dog keeping dated around 1350-1400. Yet it is clear that there have been settlements here for much longer. Until 1934, all the Northern Islands were one parish and its headquarters were in Viðareiði. The third highest mountain in the Faroe Islands, Villingardalsfjall (844 m), towers over the village to the north and to the south Malinsfjall (751 m) soars into the sky. In this landscape, it took great courage and skill to acquire the necessary natural resources, and the price paid was often high. In 2017, a memorial grove was planted to commemorate those who fell from the cliffs, were lost at sea, and others who lost their lives in the harsh Faroese nature. The special stone fences in Viðareiði, several metres high and wide, separate the fields that once defined life in Viðareiði. Every single stone was carried by hand from the surrounding landscape when the people of Viðareiði tilled the fields.

Source: visitnordoy

?Kirstin Vang




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