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Experience the beautiful mountain scenery in the north

Experience the beautiful mountain scenery in the north and enjoy one of the Faroe Islands’ most beautiful villages from above.

The route starts at Við Garð (1) in the northern part of Viðareiði. Go up the road and out through the gate to the outfield. Almost to the top, the route is marked with blue plastic tubes that stick out of the ground. The first leg is grassy, but gradually, the route becomes rockier, and cliffs appear. Be aware of loose stones, especially if you are in a group.

Viðareiði is an ancient settlement. The exact date it was established is unknown, but it is believed to be from about 1350 to 1400. It may, however, be older. The church was established in 1892. Nearby is the Old Rectory in Ónagerði (2), which is said to be haunted. The priest, however, disagrees.

One famous resident was the fabled priests’ widow Beinta, who inspired the classic 1939 love novel Barbara by Jørgen Frantz Jacobsen. It was made into a film in 1997 by the Danish film director Nils Malmros. Benita was married three times, and all her husbands were priests. She was also called Illa Beinta (Evil Beinta) because it was thought that she murdered her first two husbands and made her third husband go mad.

One of the Faroe Islands’ finest poets and scholars, Christian Matras (1900-1988), was born in Viðareiði. He was mainly known for his naturalistic poetry. On the way up the mountain is a nice view towards the islands of Fugloy and Svínoy. On the opposite side of Viðareiði, the great Malinsfjall towers, and on the other side of the sound is the abandoned settlement of Múli. There is a legend about the farmer Guttormur í Múla, who was strong in magic. His magic was only used for good. Once, the priest summoned him at Ónagerði to oust a ghost, the priest’s dead wife, that bothered the residents of the vicarage. The priest gave him his best cow and sheep as a thank you. Guttormur í Múla is buried in Viðareiði.

An old stone wall (3) erected on one part of the route uphill prevents cattle from reaching steep areas in the mountains.

When about 100 vertical metres are left to the top, you will come to a small plateau with a cairn and some pointed rocks (4). One of the stones is called Kona Per (Per’s Wife). There is a story about a bachelor from Viðareiði who was teased about not having a wife, and the men teasing him proclaimed the rock to be his wife.

Here, the blue plastic tubes end, and some cairns go to the left (to the northwest).

The cairns lead to the cliff of Enniberg. The Faroese often say that Enniberg, with its 754 metres, is the highest promontory in Europe (indeed, the world) facing the open sea. Whether this is true is not known with certainty, but it is fabulous, beautiful, and steep. It is, however, highly recommended to visit Enniberg together with local guides since the place is difficult to access and it is easy to get lost.


36 Garðsvegur, Viðareiði 750, Faroe Islands
