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Leita Leitingarúrslit




Lecture with Jan Mølby - The Great Dane Live

  • Jan Mølby talks about a long and exciting football career

Jan Mølby talks about a long and exciting football career

Few Danish footballers have had a career like Jan Mølby's. During 12 seasons, he won three English championships and three FA Cup finals with Liverpool FC, making him a hero in the Beatles' city.

In this period, Jan Mølby, also known as "The Great Dane," played alongside great football stars like Kenny Dalglish, John Barnes, and Ian Rush, with whom Mølby often shared a room while traveling.

These years provided countless unforgettable moments both on and off the field - moments that Jan Mølby will recount in this special lecture.

He will, among other things, describe when Bruce Grobbelaar needed 30 stitches before the FIFA Club World Cup final, and when Mølby lost seven teeth at Upton Park.

You might also find out if he still has a butler and why he didn't receive a Christmas card from Richard Møller Nielsen. And just so you know, no one wearing a Manchester United shirt will be admitted...

Organizer: MOD TIL, www.modtil.dk


Nordic House - Norðurlandahúsið

14 Norðari Ringvegur


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