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Tínir yndis
Íblástur & Greinir
Tiltøk & Túrar
Living room concert with Jensina Højgaard Dam
Jensia Højgaard Dam will perform in the living room of Elin Brimheim.
If you want to experience a deeply heartfelt and melancholic concert that will bring tears to your eyes and smiles to your face, this is the one you shouldn't miss.
On Monday evening, November 25th, Jensia Højgaard Dam will perform in the cozy living room of Elin Brimheim Heinesen in the heart of Tórshavn. Coffee, tea, and cakes are included in the price. ONLY 30 SPOTS AVAILABLE, so hurry to buy your tickets!
If it were up to Jensia, no one would need to release music, digitally or otherwise. No, one should simply come and listen to the music live. After experiencing a concert by Jensia, you’ll understand why—when she sings and plays, she touches everyone’s heartstrings.
Jensia is an outstanding composer and singer who creates beautiful and moving songs about everything from life to death, love to lost love; both in Faroese and English.
You’ve likely heard her famous song "Suppose" on the radio, which reminds many of the voice of Karen Carpenter. Most people probably think when they hear the song that it must be the voice of a global star. But no, it’s our very own Jensia, whose voice resonates so beautifully.
Jensia lives in Greenland but is currently spending some time in the Faroe Islands, so this is a rare opportunity to catch one of her concerts—an experience that will stay with you long after. You won’t regret it.
So come and experience this intimate moment with Jensia in the cozy living room of Elin Brimheim!
F'LJÓÐ Living room concerts
8 Magnus Heinasonar gøta
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kanna tøkar dagar
Øki / Bólkar