Tú hevur ongar yndis enn
Her kanst tú savna íblástur, greinar, tiltøk og støð, sum tú hevur áhuga fyri.
Trýst á ikonið á síðurnar, so koma tær fram her.
Tínir yndis
Íblástur & Greinir
Tiltøk & Túrar
Camping Eiði
Campsite with room for 60 camper vans and 10 tents
The beautiful camping site in Eiði is surrounded by beautiful nature and has good facilities. For example, you can rent bicycles, play minigolf, and rent a hot pot. The camping site also offers indoor facilities in a shared house that is open all hours of the day. It has room for 60 camper vans and 10 tents.
Washing machine and dryer DKK 20,-
Coffee/Hot chocolate DKK 10,
Kitchen range DKK 20,-
Hot Tub DKK 20,- per person
The toilet, shower, electricity and septic tank are free of charge
82 Malarvegur, Eiði 470, Faroe Islands
- WC
- Møguligt at bíleggja pláss
- Familjuvinarligt