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Church of Fámjin

  • First Faroese Flag on display
  • Church of Fámjin
  • First Faroese Flag on display

The first Faroese flag hangs on a wall inside the white, elegant building

Whether you are coming down from the mountains or up from the foreshore, you can see the beautiful church in the village. The church is distinguished by its bright and dignified appearance and light grey slate roof. The church stands firmly on rocky soil, resilient against strong surges and embracing the warm glow of sunsets.

Two churches were erected in Fámjin before the current one was built. Little is known about the first church in the village. The second church was built in 1826 and followed the traditional Faroese church building customs with a turf roof and a low tower. The current church was built in 1875. The building contractor was the Icelander G. Sivertsen Sigurdson, who was assisted by workmen from the entire island. The church is built from stone and the walls are double-stacked. The upper part of the eastern section of the church is constructed with bricks. The tower stands tall, stretching from the sill and features a tall spire on top. The window frames are crafted from iron, and the top pane forms a pointed arch containing a cross. Inside, the church is painted white and the clinker-built arch is blue.

The first Faroese flag hangs on a wall inside the white, elegant build-ing. The worn yet instantly recognisable original version is a national relic. The blood-red cross, surrounded with azure blue colour on a white field, is inspired by the Nordic cross flags. It was designed by local resident Jens Olivur Lisberg in 1919. The flag, called “Merkið” in Faroese, has flown proudly since it was officially recognized in 1940.

Read more about the faroese churces, and the church of Fámjin here: https://visitfaroeislands.com/en/see-do/culture-attractions0/churches-of-the-faroe-islands

Church services are on Sundays at 12am. Servcses take about 1 hour, please be seated for the full service.

The church is open for visitors during day time, from mid April to mid September.


Fámjinsvegur 1



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  • Bólkar