Tú hevur ongar yndis enn

Her kanst tú savna íblástur, greinar, tiltøk og støð, sum tú hevur áhuga fyri.

Trýst á ikonið á síðurnar, so koma tær fram her.

Tínir yndis

Íblástur & Greinir

Tiltøk & Túrar



Leita Leitingarúrslit




Gjáargarður Guesthouse

Located in the beautiful, scenic village of Gjógv, the charming Gjáargarður Guesthouse is the perfect authentic stay

Located in the beautiful, scenic village of Gjógv, the charming Gjáargarður Guesthouse is the perfect authentic stay.

The guesthouse, which includes a turf-topped roof and wooden interior, is cozy and has all the facilities you need to get the most out of your stay.

Every bedroom has a bathroom with a shower, Wi-Fi and private parking are free of charge, and the restaurant (open during the high-season) serves breakfast, lunch and dinner.

The village of Gjógv 400 years old and is one of the top sightseeing attractions in the Faroe Islands. The Gjáargarður Guesthouse is the perfect base if you plan on hiking or fishing. The highest mountain in the Faroe Islands, Slættaratindur, surrounds the delightful little village.

Tórshavn and Vágar Airport are located approximately a 1 hour drive from Gjógv.

Read The Telegraph's review of Gjáargarður Guesthouse.



Dalavegur 20
