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Kópakonan - the Selkie statue
The seal woman is based on one of the most famous legends in the Faroe Islands
Once a year, on the twelfth night of Christmas, these seals are allowed to come ashore. And there they will take off their seal skin, and play, sing and dance, recovering their human shapes – but only until the sun rises.
The seal woman is based on one of the most famous legends in the Faroe Islands.
In the village Mikladalur on Kalsoy is the statue of 'the Selkie' or 'the Seal Woman'.
The artist Hans Pauli Olsen has made the statue and it was unveil 1st of August 2014.
Listen to the full lenght captivating legend here:
and listen or read the legend here:
NB! Note that the bus connection on Kalsoy is brilliant. Please consider leaving your car at the harbour in Klaksvík and enjoy the islands by bus!
16 Bakkavegur, Mikladalur 797, Faroe Islands