Tú hevur ongar yndis enn

Her kanst tú savna íblástur, greinar, tiltøk og støð, sum tú hevur áhuga fyri.

Trýst á ikonið á síðurnar, so koma tær fram her.

Tínir yndis

Íblástur & Greinir

Tiltøk & Túrar



Leita Leitingarúrslit




Make Travel

Tour Operator situated in Sørvágur close to the airport that also offers car rental

Make Travel draws on their extensive experience in organizing tours and unique programs for FIT and MICE groups.

With almost 20 years of solid experience in the field, Make Travel are experts in arranging trips to the Faroe Islands. They guarantee the best treatment with the highest level of expertise by offering comprehensive service and advice to groups of all sizes, from special interest to meetings and incentives - Make Travel is your safe choice.

Make Travel is able to provide quality service at the most competitive rates, ensuring exceptional value, and always strive to be flexible and willing to adjust itineraries in order to meet different interests and needs. Their priority is to supply travel agents and tour operators with outstanding personal service, good value and happy clients.


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