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Leita Leitingarúrslit





Birdwatchers from around the world visit Mykines

Mykines village is located on the island of the same name, with around 15 permanent residents. The island is accessible by helicopter for six months of the year. During summer, the ferry sails twice daily, making Mykines a popular holiday destination. Mykines is a sacred and fragile place, marked as a Ramsar area and home to one of the largest colonies of puffins in the Faroe Islands. Birdwatchers from around the world visit Mykines during summer to witness the spectacle of puffin-watching. The island is also home to other seabird species, such as Guillemots, Razorbills, Fulmars, Kittiwakes, and Gannets. The iconic landmark on the island is the lighthouse on the islet of Mykineshólmur, which guides ships safely through the treacherous waters of the North Atlantic. The highest peak on the island is the mountain Knúkur, which provides a panoramic view of the island.

Mykines is famous for its rich bird life during the summer months. You can follow a marked footpath towards Mykineshólmur and the lighthouse west of the sole village on the island. Before you reach the bridge to Mykineshólmur, you will pass through Lamba. There, you will find a colony containing thousands of Puffins, and if the weather permits, many will stand right next to their breeding holes just next to the path.
If you follow the road east from the village, you will reach the heathlands. You can find most of the typical heathland birds there, including Oystercatchers and Whimbrels. Purple Sandpipers are known to breed around the summit of the islands, and Arctic and Great Skua also breed in the headlands.

Read more about Mykines and how to get there here: https://visitvagar.fo/en/about5/about-vagar-and-mykines/the-villages/mykines


Power station, 8 Fjørdalsgøta, Mykines 388, Faroe Islands



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