The Faroe Islands have nearly no crime, making it one of the safest places on earth to travel to. You can rest assured that you are safe at all times, both day and night. The health risks involved in travelling in the Faroe Islands are minimal and there is no need to take special precautions. There should be no risk involved in eating local food or drinking water straight from the tap. In fact, the water from the tap is both fresh and tastes wonderful.

However, it is very important that you consider the Faroese landscape with great care, especially when you travel to the more rural parts of the country. Bear in mind that the weather can change instantly and that hiking and sailing conditions can quickly become hazardous because of sudden fog or wind. Nevertheless, if common sense is used, it is unlikely that you will encounter any serious danger. Please read our guide to safe hiking for more information.


Should you need assistance, dial 112 for any type of emergency. First aid is provided at the hospitals in Tórshavn, Klaksvík and Tvøroyri.

General Practitioners can also be contacted for non-emergency consultations over the telephone, usually between 08.00 and 09.00. If you need urgent medical treatment outside the GP”s opening hours, which is between 16.00 and 08.00, you should call the emergency medical service tel. 1870.

Emergency dental service is also available in Tórshavn and the clinic is open Saturdays, Sundays and bank holidays from 10.00 to 11.00. To make an appointment, call tel. (+298) 314544.


Citizens of the Nordic countries and Great Britain are covered under their respective public health plans while in the Faroe Islands. Residents of other countries need to acquire their own traveller’s health insurance before travelling to the Faroe Islands.