Regenerative Tourism in the North Atlantic
In a time when the tourism industry is bleeding and the only hope seems to be growth and volumes, how can we keep a focus on regenerative tourism post-corona and reconstruct tourism to leave a more positive impact on local communities?
The “Regenerative tourism – Building a healthy tourism in the Nordics” conference addressed the challenges facing the tourism industry in the Nordic region – today and post-pandemic.
Emphasis was on how to build back better while aiming for a higher degree of local economic revenue, and environmental and social sustainability.
These topics were discussed in keynotes by prominent voices in tourism and through workshops with specific, hands-on examples from tourism providers in the Nordics.
Anna Pollock, Signe Jungersted and Zita Cobb gave valuable insights, followed by workshops focusing on three themes: Best Practice, Local Involvement and Seasonality.
O this page you can see or re-watch the keynote presentations and also download the presentations from the various workshops held at the two day conference that took place in Tórshavn in the Faroe Islands from 19 to 20 October 2021.