Tú hevur ongar yndis enn

Her kanst tú savna íblástur, greinar, tiltøk og støð, sum tú hevur áhuga fyri.

Trýst á ikonið á síðurnar, so koma tær fram her.

Tínir yndis

Íblástur & Greinir

Tiltøk & Túrar



Leita Leitingarúrslit




Good Morning, Faggi (IS)

  • Good Morning, Faggi (IS) We are warming up for Pride with a self-biographical one-man musical

We are warming up for Pride with a self-biographical one-man musical

The charming, gay actor Bjarni Snæbjörnsson is living his best life in liberal, queer-friendly Iceland. Everything is going well until one day he suddenly experiences a nervous breakdown and falls into a state of deep self-loathing. How could this happen? To find the truth, he delves into diaries, letters, and memories from the past.

Good Morning, Faggi is a hilarious and vulnerable journey through shame and memory. It's a story that explores how latent homophobia is internalized, even in the most liberal countries and despite significant privileges.

The music is original and composed by Axel Ingi.

Good Morning, Faggi premiered at the National Theatre of Iceland during Reykjavík Pride in 2021 and continued with over 100 sold-out performances and two tours nationwide. It has sparked important conversations about human rights for queer people in Iceland and what it truly means to belong.


Nordic House - Norðurlandahúsið

14 Norðari Ringvegur


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