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Tínir yndis

Íblástur & Greinir

Tiltøk & Túrar



Leita Leitingarúrslit




Runutusk 2024

Runutusk is an obstacle course race for everyone, big and small, young and old.

It's all about challenging yourself!

Runutusk offers, as the name suggests, mud, water, and lots of hustle.
It will be held during Eystanstevna in Runavík on June 12, 2022.
The competition includes all kinds of obstacles on land, at sea, and in fresh water!

Test yourself as an individual, or together with friends, family, colleagues, and have a unique experience! Runutusk!!

Runutusk is an obstacle course approximately 5 km long with 20-30 obstacles. The course around Toftavatn, although central to Runavík, is a scenic area with many spots essential for creating the perfect Runutusk.

Sea, gravel, mud, hills, and obstacles - Runutusk has it all! 5 km that will feel like double the distance when you reach the finish line.

This obstacle course is suitable for people who have never tried such a challenge before, but it will definitely also be a challenge for those who are more experienced.

Runutusk is a mixed terrain race. It includes swimming, climbing, running, and crawling, where nature contributes to making the experience special.

(This text was produced with AI)


Hwarang Føroyar



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