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Leita Leitingarúrslit




The Betty Quartet

  • The Betty Quartet

Melodic instrumental Jazz with a Nordic tone

Welcome to an instrumental jazz concert at Gallery Ribarhús. The concert is free, but you are welcome to donate to a future piano. The coffee shop is also open.

The Betty Quartet plays original, captivating instrumental jazz. The music is composed by Danish/Faroese soprano saxophonist Betty Ebenezer Magnussen.

Betty writes compositions with a Nordic sound, characterized by relatable, catchy, strong melodies and a wide range of rhythmic expressions.

The four musicians in The Betty Quartet create an intimate, present musical interplay, where the balance between the playful and the ease, the poetic and
profound, is elegantly tuned.
The characteristic sound of the quartet, with Betty Ebenezer Magnussen's soprano sax in the forefront, is unique and captivating, with an optimistic and bright
undercurrent even in the most melancholic tunes.

The members of The Betty Quartet are:
Betty Ebenezer Magnussen: Soprano Saxophone
Rikke Schelde: Piano
Gert Østergaard Pedersen: Drums
Henrik Bjørn Rasmussen: Bass


Ribarhús Fuglafjordur

í Støð 14


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