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When Courage Fails with Agnete Hentze Pichotka

BÓKADAGAR 2024: Book Launch - Oyggin hjá teimum horvnu

Where: Dansistovan
Duration: 30 min.

Author Agnete Hentze Pichotka presents her book Oyggin hjá teimum horvnu and talks about writing her first book. The moderator is Sara Leonhard Dybvad, a teacher and school librarian at Skúlin við Streymin.

Thirteen-year-old Harald lives on the Skarva Islands. When his grandfather disappears at sea during a storm, Harald decides to cross the mountain and find the seal people. With their help, he might be able to find his grandfather. But can you trust such beings? And what if they are not at all what he imagined them to be? Oyggin hjá teimum horvnu is about how courage can fail, but it's never too late to find it again.

Agnete grew up in Denmark with a Faroese father and traveled to the Faroe Islands frequently as a child. The Skarva Islands represent the Faroe Islands, as Agnete imagines them to have been in the 1950s. However, in order to write freely, she gave Harald his own islands and filled them with real harbors, villages, and legends.

Bókadeild Føroya Lærarafelags is organizing the event in collaboration with the Nordic House. Oyggin hjá teimum horvnu is Agnete Hentze Pichotka's first book. Kathrina Skarðsá has illustrated it, and Bókadeildin is publishing it.


Nordic House - Norðurlandahúsið

14 Norðari Ringvegur


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