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Íblástur & Greinir

Tiltøk & Túrar



Leita Leitingarúrslit




Sørvágur Village Museum

  • Village Museum, Sørvágur
  • Village Museum, Sørvágur

Sørvágur Village Museum displays historical artifacts and items.

Sørvágur Village Museum was established in 1963. In the first years, until 1980, Sørvágur Village Museum was at the attic of the local power station.

The villages and islanders where supportive off the museum and donated a growing number of artifacts and historical items. Hence, Sørvágur village museum soon grew to become one of the biggest village museums in the country.

In June 2014 the Sørvágur Village Museum moved into their own up-to-date building, in the old bank house. Then the municipality and the national museum organization where finally able to provide the museum with a better location. Hence, the museum is now better guaranteed a safe future.

The village museum is equipped with historical artifacts and tools for: cliff-work, sheep-farming, fishery, pilot whale hunting, carpentry, forging, agriculture, farming, haymaking, peat digging, stonework, woolen clothing manufacture, knitting, sewing, sail making, housekeeping and much more. As well as the museum owns about 10.000 old photographs.

To visit their webpage follow the link below


Ovarivegur 23



  • Koyristól atgongd

    Koyristól atgongd

  • Parkering
  • Familjuvinarligt
  • Bólkar