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Leita Leitingarúrslit




Bragdið Top Run 2024

Welcome to the Bragdið Top Run 2024

The Bragdið organizes the 20th TOP RUN on Sunday, July 7th at 1:00 PM. Everyone is welcome to participate. TOP RUN is a recreational run, meaning that anyone who regularly exercises can join. Nearly everyone who has participated in TOP RUN in recent years has completed the run, so it's not an impossible task. TOP RUN is a challenge because the course is uphill almost the entire way. The time limit is 1 hour and 45 minutes. The run starts at the Effo station in Kollfjarðardalur (75 meters above sea level) and ends at Sornfelli (680 meters above sea level), covering a distance of 9.8 km. The run will be divided into four categories, and participants must be at least 14 years old to participate:

Men aged 14-39
Men over 40 years old
Women aged 14-39
Women over 40 years old
The top three in each category will receive medals, but all participants who complete the run will receive a participation medal tailored for the occasion. The participation fee is 150 kr with online registration. The deadline for online registration is Saturday, July 6th at 10:00 PM. Registration can also be done at the Effo station in Kollfjarðardalur from 12:00 PM to 12:30 PM on the day of the race. The price at that time will be 200 kr.

Once the finish line is crossed, there will be refreshments available in the mountains (the old NATO bunker). Changing clothes will be transported down to Sornfelli while the run is underway and can be collected there upon arrival. A bus will transport participants back down after the race.

Attention! In order to appear on the results list and receive a participation medal, participants must reach the finish line by 2:45 PM.

(This translation was produced by AI)



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