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House of Birds - by Rán Flygenring (IS)
BÓKADAGAR 2024: A Presentation about Humans, Birds and God
“I don’t want to draw the seagull, like how it looks through a pair of binoculars. I want to draw it and capture what it feels like seeing it coming to catch that last dirty fry on the ground. This requires a certain kind of tapping in. If we don’t tap in, we reproduce our assumptions about the world.”
These words are Rán Flygenring’s, currently one of the most known and exciting authors and illustrators out of Iceland, when she presented her experimental idea, “House of Birds” for an international audience at DesignMarch in Reykjavík earlier this year.
This fascinating author is now coming to the Faroes with her presentation. Audiences can expect a thought-provoking and a little quirky story about a creatively driven human being, and her ability to observe, draw, and connect us human beings to our natural world. The talk is also about birds and nature in a broader sense and a little bit about “god”.
The presentation is intended to inspire and is relevant for all creatives, students, philosophers, dreamers, and activists.
Rán Flygenring (1987) is an award-winning Icelandic illustrator, graphic designer, artist and author. Her book “Vigdís” (2019) is translated and published into Faroese in 2020 and in 2023 she was awarded the Nordic Council Children and Young People’s Literature Prize for her book, Eldgos (pub. 2022).
The Icelandic General Consul on the Faroes hosts the event at Bókadagar in collaboration with the Nordic House in the Faroe Islands and in connection with Dagur íslenskrar tungu on November 16.
Nordic House - Norðurlandahúsið
14 Norðari Ringvegur
Dato og atgongumerkir
Øki / Bólkar