Tú hevur ongar yndis enn

Her kanst tú savna íblástur, greinar, tiltøk og støð, sum tú hevur áhuga fyri.

Trýst á ikonið á síðurnar, so koma tær fram her.

Tínir yndis

Íblástur & Greinir

Tiltøk & Túrar



Leita Leitingarúrslit




Tourism day in Vágar

  • Tourism Day. Visit Vágar

Tourism operators in Vágar discuss the past tourism season and network.

Visit Vágar invites all tourism operators in Vágar to a tourism day, where the local industry has the opportunity to meet for discussion and networking.
There are about 50 different tourism operators in Vágar, and we have an incredibly diverse group of operators with whom we wish to establish closer cooperation. With this day, Visit Vágar aims to create a local tourism network so that together we can stand even stronger as a destination.
The manager of Visit Vágar, Bryndis í Dali, will start the day by explaining how Visit Vágar works with tourism and will listen to the wishes and expectations local operators have of the organization.
We will organize a few workshops, and afterward, the talented chefs at Hotel Vágar will prepare a delicious meal for us at lunchtime.
Registration is required, but the event is free and open to all tourism operators in Vágar.
The deadline to register is midnight on November 18


Hotel Vágar

Djúpheiðar 2


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