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Church of Haldórsvík

the only eight-sided church of the Faroe Islands

In the mid-19th century, Carl Vilhelm Prytz, a parish priest from Norðstreymi, strongly advocated constructing a new church in Haldórsvík. He claimed to have drawn up the plans for the church himself as early as 1854, using a previously unknown design in the Faroe Islands. The octagonal baroque-style church in Frederiksberg served as a model for his drawings. Prytz recommended that Per í Nesinum, with the assistance of Peter Frederik Jacobsen from Vestmanna, be commissioned by Amtmann Dahlerup to build the church. Although Per í Nesinum accepted the offer and started the work, his bid was low, and he faced a shortfall, which prevented the church from reaching its intended height.

V.U. Hammershaimb became the new priest in Norðstreymi in October 1855, but due to Norðstreymi being without a priest for part of the year, work on the church was delayed. Only when the county magistrate urged action in a letter on December 27, 1855, Per í Nesinum resumed the construction. The church was finally consecrated on the second Sunday of Advent in 1856 by Priest Hammershaimb, with Dean Andreas Djurhuus and five other priests also in attendance.

In 1932, the church underwent significant rebuilding. The walls were raised according to the original plans, and a porch was added to the west side. The church was consecrated again on the second Sunday of Advent in 1932, this time by Priest Jákup Dahl, with Priest K. Grøn preaching.

Transelated from: J. P. Gregoriussen, Eldru Hválvkirkjurnar


