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Church of Rituvík

the road to the church were all done by the people of Rituvík collectively

In the early 1950s, men from Rituvík came together and formed a church committee with the goal of building a church in the village.

Architect H.C.W. Tórgarð was asked to design the church, which he gladly accepted. The clearing of the land, the foundation, and the road to the church were all done by the people of Rituvík collectively and without pay. The late master builder Jógvan Lamhauge from Runavík, who was then living in Syðrugøta, took on the responsibility of overseeing the construction. Together with Søren Jacob Lamhauge and Arnhold Olsen, they built the church, with parts of the village's residents also contributing.

The cornerstone of the church was laid by Dean Jákup Joensen on Great Prayer Day, May 1, 1953. All the materials for the church were purchased from J.F. Kjølbro in Klaksvík, including all the materials for the carpentry work, such as the pulpit, altar chair, and baptismal font. Carl Hansen, from Nes, was responsible for this work. The ironwork (the spire and other decorative metalwork) was done by Hilmar Petersen's workshop in Fuglafjørður. The tin work was done by P/F Maria Poulsen & Co. in Tórshavn, the painting by master painter Karsten Hansen from Tórshavn, and the electrical installation by Frants Petersen from Runavík.

On the 4th Sunday of Advent, December 18, 1955, Rituvík Church was consecrated by Dean Jákup Joensen.

[SOURCE: J.P. Gregoriussen, The Newer Churches]

(Transelated by AI)


2 Kirkjugøta, Rituvík 640, Faroe Islands



  • Historic landmark
  • Parking