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Merkið – The Flag of the Faroe Islands

The original 'Merkið' can be seen in the church of Fámjin

The flag of the Faroe Islands is an offset cross, representing Christianity. It follows the traditions of other Nordic flags, such as Dannebrog (Flag of Denmark).

The flag is called Merkið, meaning “the banner” or “the mark”. It was designed in 1919 by Jens Oliver Lisberg and other students in Copenhagen. The first time Merkið was raised in the Faroe Islands was on 22 June 1919, in Fámjin, the home village of Mr Lisberg, during a wedding.

On 25 April 1940, the British government, who were occupying the Faroe Islands during the Second World War, approved the flag for use by Faroese vessels. April 25 is still celebrated as Flag Day (“Flaggdagur”) and is a national holiday. Merkið was finally recognized by the Danish Government as the national flag of the Faroe Islands in the Home Rule Act of 23 March 1948. The original flag is displayed in the church of Fámjin. The Flag Day Celebration in Fámjin is also a unique event which is worth to experience.

If you’d like to visit the church of Fámjin and see the first Faroese flag, contact the local tourist information centre in Tvøroyri. You can find it here.


Fámjinsvegur 1
