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Photography Tour by Andrija

Explore the Faroe Islands through my customised photography tours.

My tours are epecially designed for photographers of all levels, from pros to hobbyists, and anyone passionate about capturing breathtaking landscape photography. Tours are also open for passionate travellers, adventurers, business people and groups, and anyone else who appreciates the unforgettable visual sceneries that the Faroe Islands can offer. My commitment is centred around enhancing your photography experience, ensuring your memory card is filled with remarkable photos. I will provide you with unique photo opportunities of movie-like sceneries and help you make the most of your trip. All that with an option, shall you choose so, to have me as your personal photo assistant during the tour, offering tips and guidance on how to improve your photography skills.

- LIGHT SCENARIOS – on which I base my tours. After so many years spent outdoors and even though the weather is unpredictable I learned some order in that chaos, and I know exactly when to go where and when not to. When can I be above the clouds, when and where the sun will break through clouds, where to go for big waves etc. I provide prime photo opportunities to my clients.

- TOUR DURATION – I offer a full day of service, meaning, I start in the morning at a time that my client chooses and I stop in the afternoon/evening when my client is happy with the photos.

- PRICING – I offer a flat rate that is connected to group size and not per person. I have packages for a single-person tour, 2-3 people, 3-6 people, and over 6 people groups. The more people I have in a group the cheaper it is for them to participate in my tour

- PHOTO ASSISTANT – my tours also work as workshops where I offer my clients assistance and my knowledge. Tours are designed for photographers of all levels, from pros to amateurs.

- CUSTOM MADE- I have a questionnaire for my clients after which I can learn more about them and create a unique itinerary that will suit their preferences. I take into account what they want to see (since most of them already have a wish list) and what kind of experience they want to have.

I always include other small business owners in the Faroe Islands: car rentals, bus drivers, hiking guides, accommodation, food suppliers, leisure activities etc.


Tórshavn, Faroe Islands
