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The church of Hvalba

A new church in Skálum was approved in 1931, but later built in Skeljalagi as a concrete church and consecrated in 1935

On September 18, 1931, the parliament's church committee decided to approve the construction of a new church in Hvalba. The architect, Jens Paula við Sílánna, presented a drawing of a wooden church to be built on the old church grounds in Skálum. However, the committee later changed the location to Skeljalagi and requested that Jens Pauli modify his drawing to accommodate a concrete church that could hold approximately 300 people (about 25 x 10 meters in size).

Jens Pauli við Sílánna was appointed as the chief building master and supervisor of all construction work. The foundation work started in the spring of 1933, with Kristin Holm Joensen, a harbour worker, as the foreman. It was completed on February 1, 1934. Eyolfur á Heygum, a carpentry master from the west, was responsible for the timber work, and all carpentry work was done in Jens Paula's workshop in Tvøroyri.

The church was finally consecrated on October 27, 1935. The information is sourced from J. P. Gregoriussen's book Nýggjaru Kirkjurnar.


Toftavegur 5



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