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Church of Tvøroyri

  • Church of TVøroyri

Whichever way you approach Tvøroyri, the church is one of the first things you will notice. Norwegian in origin and with a Celtic cross as its coat of arms, it harkens back to the roots of Christiani

This is the second of two churches that have been built in Tvøroyri. The church was built because of a population explosion in the late 19th and early 20th century. Froðba is the fjord’s ancient church site; the earliest churches might hail all the way back to the Celtic era.
The last church in Froðba was built in 1840. This church was moved to Tvøroyri in 1856. It was rebuilt where people first settled in Tvøroyri, and the church lends the neighbourhood its name, Valurin, or Kirkeval (Church Field) as it originally was called. The old church was finally moved to the village of Sandvík.
Plans were made to build a new church on a new site. When building commenced in 1906, the church was to be built with stone walls. However, due to unforeseen circumstances, it turned out to be far too expensive. Therefore, only the foundation was made with stones. J. Mortensen og Sønner, at the time the biggest shipowners in the country, offered to buy a wooden church abroad and pay what lacked in the budget. The offer was accepted. The church’s architect, the Dane Viggo Bertram, drew a wooden church that could be set on the foundation. The church was made at the Norwegian factory Strømmen trevarefabrikk, moved to the Faroe Islands, and set up in Tvøroyri. The work to erect the church began in 1907 and was completed in the spring of 1908. The church was consecrated on Ascension Day the same year.

The church holds 500 congregants

Service is every Sunday at 11am.


Kirkjubrekkan 23
