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The rocking stones in Oyndarfjørður

A fascinating phenomenon

Just before you arrive in the village of Oyndarfjørður, there is a sign for the path down to the Rocking Stones. These are two boulders, one of which still moves, and the other, wedged into position by two stone blocks, sits still.

This is an unusually beautiful place to dive, and one can swim around both stones. The larger rocking stone has a large overhang from which one can hear and see how it moves.

Diving becomes much more difficult during swells, and it is not recommended to dive in unsettled weather. You can dive at the stones or swim out from the harbour, and equipment can be rinsed at the harbour.

Depth: max 8 metres.
Visibility: minimum 5 metres.


1 Ovari Vegur, Oyndarfjørður 690, Faroe Islands
