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Úti í Grøv

  • Úti í Grøv

Family friendly park in Klaksvík

When in Klaksvík, you should visit the park Úti í Grøv. The lush valley by the shore is a dramatic break from the naked landscape the Faroe Islands otherwise are known for. Two rivers glide down the mountain and merge just before they disappear into the crystal clear ocean. Children come to play in the rivers, which deeper pools invite you for a swim, if you dare brave the cold water.

This is the only wood-grown area in Klaksvík. The trees in the grove were planted in the early 1980s. In their shelter, you will find the perfect place to enjoy a peaceful moment.

If you have a good eye for archaeology and the like you might notice the ruins from a longhouse dated to the viking period. Also a turf shed house belonging to the area has been reconstructed.

Úti í Grøv is a true recreational area. White-painted bridges and small paths winding through the trees lend the park a romantic touch.


29 Oyrarvegur, Klaksvík 700, Faroe Islands



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