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Gimburlombini // The Gimmer Lambs

- Coffee, food, waffles, lots of rhubarb, wine, events, sauna, guided tours, dreams, our life and second home. Come visit!

Hi there! This cosy small red house at the harbour in Nólsoy (the Faroe Islands) houses both our café ‘Gimburlombini’ and the island's Tourist Information ‘Visit Nólsoy’. We serve breakfast, lunch, coffee, cakes, wine, drinks and also host dinner parties. And we even have a sauna!

We are open every day from 10-17 in the summer months (may-august), and in the evenings and in winter time on demand - and if we feel like it. The two happy Gimmer Lambs Barbara and Tjóðhild run this place together with friends and family. Here is a little about us two, and some of the other people you might meet on your visit at our café.

Hjá Gimburlombunum does not have a fixed lunch menu since they enjoy the freedom to get creative. Most days, they serve fish and/or a vegetarian dish. They offer breakfast, lunch, dinner, coffee/tea and delicious cakes.

Read more about our varied menu on our website.


By the way....

We won EMBLA 2019 The Nordic Food Award as the Best Nordic Food Destination 2019.



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