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Marius DC in OY

Concert with Faroese rapper, singer and producer Marius DC.

The rapper, singer, and producer Marius DC has been one of the leading names on the growing Faroese hip-hop scene for the past five years.

At the age of 15, DC caught listeners' attention with his debut release, "The MZA EP," which earned him an FMA award as the Best New Artist in 2020. In 2021, he made a strong impression again with "Westender," where tracks like "Gasoline," "Respekt," and "Teenage Drama" showed listeners that the young musician was not afraid to evolve his sound.

An unforgettable victory in the Sement competition in 2022 kicked off a year filled with numerous concerts at home and abroad. A particularly memorable performance at Iceland Airwaves was especially celebrated. 2023 became the most eventful year for Marius so far, with five singles, including "Slættaratindur," "Erligur," and "Feira." A spectacular performance at the G! Festival showed that Marius DC belongs on stage. Over the past year, Marius has been working on his upcoming EP "Listamaður" and released his biggest musical departure to date, the indie ballad "Leggur Tú Enn Í," this summer.

On Friday, September 13th, at 9:00 PM, Marius DC will take the stage at OY. The concert is free.

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